Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rainy Day in Texas

It's a cold rainy day here in Texas. A cold rainy day with a bit of snow mixed in.
Suddenly it really IS snowing. Beautiful, big, flakes of snow coming down in swirls and twirls, filling the sky with polka dots in motion.

Where is my camera when I need it?!

I imagine G & T are showing miss Abbi the wonders of snow right now.

But then there is the reality of snow in Texas. As beautiful as this is it's not freezing on the road and unless it gets much colder and freezes the ground the beautiful snow will just melt away. It will be no different that if it had just rained.

Sometimes the ground does freeze and the snow sticks but usually there's not enough of it to really cover. Ends up looking like a dirty mess.

A friend in Kansas City said on Facebook that she was jealous because I was getting snow. Not to be jealous I said. She has always lived in Kansas City and when it snows there it really snows. I guess my few years in KC taught me to appreciate a real snow. Our first year there we moved in 60+ degree January weather and in February it snowed 10 inches. Very cool. If I had the pictures from that first snow I'd post'em.

So while I sit here at my desk at work, thankful for the windows in the office across from me that make it possible to see the snow, I am also very aware that it will be gone soon.

I think my perspective of this snow is representative of the more realistic mind that I have grown into. And it also speaks to me of what I am learning about hope.

This snow may be beautiful right now but in the long run it doesn't really signify anything. It will leave no lasting impression. There have been many moments/hours/seasons in my life that seemed so very wonderful but the aftermath was either nothing or a mess. I invested hope for my life based on those moments/hours/seasons. When they came to nothing or I had the mess to deal with I crashed. I could not maintain hope.

I am - really am - learning to hope in God now. I am finding it easier to let life be what it's going to be. I don't feel so powerless now that I have learned how important it is to make my contribution to the direction and plan of this life in this valley. But neither am I feeling the need to control it.

Beautiful snow - embrace the moment for the gift that it is without expecting what it cannot be.

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