Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Off The Bridge

Me anyway. I don't know if Larry is off his personal bridge yet but I know that I am off mine. Sometimes I am chomping at the bit with all the things I want to be involved in and doing. I want it to be as though I had been here 20 years already and I'm established and doing what I do.

That's not the reality though and it will take time for me to become a part of this little piece of the world that Father has placed us in.

The city calls me and I can't quite seem to get to it.

The arboretum calls me and my schedule is most uncooperative.

There is a ministry to homeless or poor people somewhere that is calling me.

Time with my family and friends.

Parks all around Dallas.

My computer and photo work.

The Lake and once a month cleanup days even seem out of reach.

Alas. Alas. I am here - at work - at this job that I am truly grateful for.

The realities of life and the dreams must find the way to walk together.

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