Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Commentary on the State of the Nation

as I see it through the recent election of Kris Allen as the new American Idol.

I didn't watch the season. I think there has only been one season where I was actually really into it and that was the year that my brother Tim was living with us in KC. Me, Larry, Shan and Tim - together we had a blast with that season. Tim is a rocker dude and Shan is I think all over the map with music and that added a different dimension.

Anyway. That was then.

As it is now - by the time I get home from work I only have so many hours in the evening and I really don't want to spend it in front of the TV so I'm winding down to only a couple of shows that I'm watching and sometimes I watch them later on computer or just not. AI doesn't rank with me at all now.

So I'm not in to AI and not really in to reality shows and contests generally but when some of my Facebook friends were so very excited about the election of Kris I thought I better check it out.

He's good, in my opinion - not crazy good but good. I'm not a big fan of that style of singing no matter who's doing it.

I really thought Adam was better. I watched several videos of both guys and in fact I thought Adam was amazing in his versatility and stage presence. I'm sure that was quite a season with those two vying for the top spot. I think he'll have an amazing career regardless.

I looked at the back story to see what the buzz was.

Oh - they say he's openly gay. Interesting. Very interesting. I assume this is the truth.

So THEY say that America is not READY to vote for someone openly gay.

I say posh to that.

I say BRAVO America. My OPINION is that America made a very strong statement here about TRADITIONAL VALUES that are still in place - the very values that made this a strong nation a generation ago. It may forever be considered a REJECTION of Adam personally as a gay man and those who are gay generally but I SAY that it was not so much a CONTENDING AGAINST something as it was a CONTENDING FOR something.

I wish America had understood the stakes a little better during this last POLITICAL election. I wish the Body of Christ had been able to see further in the future. I wonder would they have voted for a man - of any color (and I was as happy as the rest of the world that we could finally put a person "of color" in the White House) - who is so very socialist in his worldview and is quite determined to make the rest of us be also whether we want to or not.

I pray that the real America finds her voice and that WE learn to use it in those places where it really counts.

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