Saturday, March 14, 2009

See - this is why I like Arthur Burk

A little earlier I listened to a teaching by Arthur Burk. I couldn't believe the subject matter.

Bad Hair

That's right - bad hair or more specifically the people who have bad hair and the challenge of finding someone who can cut your hair.

I so relate to that. Here's my hair.... It's neither wavy nor straight but it bends and will bend in places that I don't want it to if I'm not careful. I have two cowlicks on the front that affect either bangs or not bangs - either way is not "the easy way" to wear my hair. I'd love to pull it back but so far I haven't liked the way it looks but I'll do that if I can ever figure it out. I have a cowlick in the back on my right that literally shoves that side of my hair over onto the other side - no short hair for me, I have to have enough weight to hold it down. Same with some of these bends - I have to have weight to hold them down or they spring up in the wrong ways. My hair is fuzzy so it won't just lie and move like straight fine hair will. I use the straightener sometimes but that doesn't make it smooth - just straight.

Add to that the fact that I am not a gifted hairdoer. I just want to get it done.

Twice in my adult life I've had people who could cut my hair well consistently. I miss them and am again on the search for the person who can cut my hair.

I've been going through this stuff ever since I was an adult who wanted to wear my hair some way besides just long.

So I was looking at the titles in his video library and saw one that said BAD HAIR. Of course I had to hear it.

And here's what I love...he did not offer a pat answer. He didn't say that if you this..... then this.
He reminded me that there are really no coincidences in the lives of Gods children. This is something that I absolutely believe and believed before I ever heard of him. We are citizens of a different kind of world - the kingdom of heaven - and what goes on with us here is the outer-working of what is there. Also he took into consideration the fact that everybody's experience is personal and gave some pointers as to where to look for answers and highlighted some principles of the heavenly kingdom.

Now my heart is open to hear whatever Father might want to say to me about me or some circumstance of my life. Strange huh. But this is my approach to so many things in my life - I can't believe I haven't approached my hair issue this way already.

Now, for anyone reading this please don't feel like I'm trying to toot Burk's horn and say that all people should be "following" him. No there are many good teachers in this kingdom. Bear in mind that this is my forum for airing my thoughts and this is my was of saying thank you Father for this gift you give.

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