Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's good that I like Irony

It’s a good thing I like life’s ironies. I’m sitting smack dab in the middle of one.

(Besides this whole journey), it’s this situation where my computer and Larry and the TV are all in the same room and what a room. It’s a very small dining room. Very small. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very thankful for this room. And did I say it was small. Well…it’s big enough for a small table and some chairs. It'll be perfect for Shan when she gets it back. But for me and Larry it's small. When you've been used to having all the space and you let some one in to that space then it can feel smaller than it is. A psychological sort of thing.

The TV is just a few – FEW – feet away. Last night I was listening to some music on the computer and THOUGHT I was listening through my headphones. Actually I guess the music was so loud that I was hearing it just fine THROUGH the headphones and only thought I was hearing through the headphones. I took them off for some reason and… could still hear the music and….could not hear the football game and….figured it out. I turned in my chair and apologized to Larry but he was OK – he just thought I wanted to hear the music and well…he knows I don’t care anything about the football so I he thought it was reasonable that I would just drown out the TV with the music. OK – it was just kinda funny at the time. But the irony is this – that on this journey I end up in the same room with Larry and the TV. There are those who understand the irony because for the last several years I have been trying to get Larry and his noise away from me and my noise. I consider my noise to be quieter than his noise and of course my noise is just preferable to me whatever it is. It’s my noise. I’m such a territorial person. I like what is mine and tend to be somewhat protective of mine. Hmmm

Pause for thought.

Anyway this little situation becomes just another element of a journey in which nothing – and did I say NOTHING – has worked out the way I PLANNED it in my head and declared it with my mouth. I love it that my Father would laugh at me this way.

And OHHHH is he laughing.

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