Monday, December 15, 2008

I gave up my space


Saturday, Larry and I changed some things around. My computer is no longer in the bedroom and his clothes are no longer in his man space. The bedroom is more our bedroom now and I guess the man space is now more our space.


Maybe in time it will feel that way. I'm so used to having somewhere to go to be by myself. Now I don't. Maybe that's why I can't sleep tonight. Sounds silly but you never know what effect change can have on you. And right now I feel like I've given up all my space.

It wasn't even the football. I hate football. I hate listening to the constant noise that comes out of a TV. My honey and I have had some real issues here in times past. But I found today, that if he kept the sound down low and I was intent on what I was doing on the computer then I didn't really notice the football so much. So it's not that.

I can use music and head phones more. That's a real possibility. I'll probably do that.

I'm sure that sometimes I'll use his laptop to go to the bedroom and watch a movie or something. That's reasonable but really I want to be at MY computer with my stuff around me. Silly? I don't think so. I think most people are that way. Larry's that way too. He likes his man space for the same reasons (I think) that I like my space.

Very challenging but no denying that this is a better arrangement. For one thing we were hardly with each other at all once supper was over. Me in the bedroom and him in his space. We weren't talking. We need to talk. You can't journey together if you're not talking.

Yeah, it's challenge but I'm sure we'll work it out. Father will show us how.

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