So yesterday some time my mind, unbidden, started thinking thankful - and I attribute this turn of thoughts to a healthy spirit doing it's job, keeping my soul healthy and guiding me in righteousness.
Things I'm thankful for this morning (and every day even when I'm not thinking about it):
- God, himself - He is life and breath to me and covers all.
- Larry, my hubby - I love him and appreciate the good man that he is. He is my friend of friends.
- My two kids - Beautiful each in their own way. Joy to my heart. I'm thankful that I've learned to allow them a journey that is different from mine.
- My two granddaughters that I can see - their lives are precious to me and there is so much joy in watching them become teens and watching God in their lives.
- Their mother - she has made a special relationship possible when so many other ex's would have shut the door to the grandparents.
- My two granddaughters that I can't see - their lives are also precious to my heart and I have confidence that we will see them in some future time.
- Their mother - because I know that she is faithful to them.
- Thankful that in the kingdom of heaven the fractal that is family is an ever growing, ever changing lifeforce where we learn to love.
- For the community of lifegivers that I am a part of. Real people who love God and each other in the midst of their real lives.
- To be where I am - a place that lifes me.
- For the rain outside my window this morning and for the hot summer sun of Texas most other days. For very short winters.
- For all that I have and for having learned that no matter how much I might desire other or better this and that's, the items above are the ones that are most important.
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