Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Community - by Frank Viola

He uses the phrase organic church where I would use the word community. This was a post on his blog today and I like it much so I'm quoting it here. I love to observe what's going on around me when the body parts are together. I love to know that I have eyes for this even when I'm not consciously doing it - cause when I'm with my friends I just like to be with my friends - so don't be thinking I have you under a microscope when we're hanging out. I try to only look at myself that closely and hold everyone else with an open hand. And my subject is not individuals but the body.

Frank's quote:

Here’s my one paragraph description of the New Testament experience of “church” (ekklesia).

Organic church life is profoundly simple yet endlessly complicated. It satisfies the deepest longings of the human spirit but frustrates the soul and bids death to the flesh. It’s at the same time rewarding and maddening–it is without a doubt the greatest spiritual experience a mortal can know. Why? Simply because God has chosen the ekklesia in her organic expression to reveal the glories and the riches of His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to bring to this earth the fellowship that exists within the Trinity.

Let's keep dancing, shall we?

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