Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Homage to the rescuers

My daughter, Shannon, is a dog rescuer. She and a group of friends at work and elsewhere have pretty much formed their own organization and they go to great lengths and sometimes expense to rescue dogs.

It's been a very interesting journey of understanding to have been touched by this since I lived with her for a year.

I am not a dog rescuer myself. At least not at the level of some. My contribution tends to be forwarding emails and being a part of the communication network. Larry has a cat named Honey and I know myself well enough to know that at this time in my life I don't want the responsibility of taking care of an animal. Maybe at a later time but I will know for sure that I want to do the work required. Better for the animal that way. Would that more of us thought it through before trying to take on the responsibility of another life, be it animal or human.

It's encouraging to see how many people are interested in rescuing animals. At the apartments where I now live several people, when introducing their dogs, have mentioned that they were rescue dogs.

Animal rescue makes the news even with whales, dolphins, wild animals of all sorts coming to the notice of someone and eventually to the notice of the larger world.

Today I forwarded an email about a local shelter preparing to "put down" several animals. Sad and I felt the overwhelming need of this world for being rescued.

How sad that they need rescuing at all. But as long as there is broken, wounded humanity there will be some part of this creation groaning. What a picture that is forming in my mind as I think of that scripture which speaks of the earth groaning under the weight of sin. Every animal, especially the domesticated ones which are SOO dependent upon humans to care for them, that is abused or neglected is a spotlight on the brokenness of God's greatest creation - the human being.

How we need him.

I thank you Father, for ALL THOSE in this world who will give their resources of time, emotions, money, space to rescue the animals and humans in this world who desperately need SOMEONE to care. These are the people through whom your redemptive heart shines. Your light shines in the darkness even though the darkness does not comprehend it. We cannot all do all things. We cannot all care for the same group but if we are all caring about someone/some animal/some issue somewhere then the world will continue to hear your voice and feel your warmth. Thank you that your expression is not confined to times and places and rituals. This is you revealing yourself in your diversity and finding places in the darkness to shine.

The world will not stop groaning til God in his timing sends the Son to release, redeem and restore it.

Till then I pray all these intercessors will be energized with the VITALITY and LIFE FORCE that is CHRIST WITHIN US to be lifegiving where you can to whatever degree that you can.

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