We've spent some time looking backward to the "what if we had done this" or "that" type scenarios. Yes, with hindsight to help us out we see plenty of decisions we'd have made differently. I mean all the way back to the seventies when we were living in Pearl, MS. Had we made some of these decisions differently today would be decidedly different.
So what? I love that question. It's another one of those things I picked up from Arthur Burk. So what? Ultimately it just doesn't matter what we could have done.
Today is today and we are here.
We have said that we are starting a new book. Not a new chapter but a new book. It would seem that in this starting over we bring with us almost nothing of the natural from that other life. It's looking like we are going to maybe have to downsize yet again. AAAAAHHHHH I want a big house.
What we bring is mostly on the inside. Days like today that doesn't feel like enough but faith says it is enough. It is enough. The stuff of this natural world comes and goes and one day it won't matter at all.
What musings. I think I am in a moment of just being tired of being on the bridge. We seem to have come up to a line just right at the end of the bridge and we keep walking back and forth at this point and just can't get off. Doesn't help that America is all about layoffs right now - and in the very industry where Larry could make the best paycheck.
Why would I have ever thought this would be easy. Why would I have ever thought that anything would go the way I would like for it to go.
Mully grubby moment.
Not depressed. All is not black. Not even going that way. I'm thankful that I can look at life's yucky moments and not be afraid that I will be overtaken with such.
Maybe tired at the moment.
So the invitation to trust that continually swirls in the atmosphere of my life swings around before my face and says don't forget about me.
I do trust you Father. I CHOOSE to trust you.
I lean into grace.
we have no idea how often we CHOOSE without even meaning to choose.. I'll have to share something with you (not here) that I came across this week (while looking for something else).. choosing..invitation to trust.. boy have I chosen to trust ALOT lately.. the economy really has been a killer in construction, that is for sure...